Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Leadership Conference

The Grade 6 children were wonderful participants at our recently held Leadership Conference. We were lucky to have two interesting speakers (Senior Sergeant Wayne Spence and Christmas Hills CFA Captain Dianne Simmons) and the children responded to them with interest and enthusiasm. They spoke to the children about qualities that are required to make great leaders. The Grade 6 leaders were also introduced to the new concept of earning 9 badges throughout the year, each of which represent a different quality of leadership. This initiative was met with enthusiasm. The conference was completed with a friendly and relaxed afternoon tea.
The Upper School team of teachers have also had a cartoon drawn individually of themselves and also as a group. Brett Cardwell completed this wonderful feat and they are lots of fun.

Take a peak!

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Great Start

It's great to see that some of you are using our Blog page. Our first week in the Upper School was wonderful. Everyone worked really well and the feeling around the Upper School building was terrific. I have enjoyed getting to know all the new grade 5 children and it has been great to see them beginning to settle into their new home groups. The Grade 6 children have taken up the challenges of the Leadership program extremely successfully. They can all be very proud of their efforts with their Prep buddies. The Preps are settling very well and their teachers have been thrilled with the concientious way in which all of our Grade 6 leaders are looking after them. We can look forward to our Leadership conference this week.

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