Thursday, May 13, 2010


Congratulations to all our Grade 5 students who completed their NAPLAN tests today. They can all be very proud of their efforts especially the way they concentrated and worked to capacity throughout each of the tests.

The Grade 6 students are also to be thanked for their consideration and helpful cooperation during our NAPLAN preparations and the testing process.

Even the wild life came to investigate how the tests were going. Well done to you all.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Camp Nillahcootie

Hi everyone,

We have all returned safely from Camp Nillahcootie after having a fabulous time. Despite being a little damp at times the weather was kind to us and we completed all the planned activities including rock climbing, abseiling, canoeing, the team challenge, low ropes and initiatives. The children also had to build a hut that was waterproof and as you can see from the photo above, when a bucket of water was tipped over them, some of the huts were just a little leaky! Of course the night events were loads of fun as well. We had a night of fabulous acts during Red Faces and the children who participated can be so proud of their efforts and of the smile that they kept on their faces during the judging process including some tough comments by our resident "Red Symons". We had some hilarious moments during the night "Find the Teacher" activity where the children had to follow clicker sounds to search out all of us teachers who were hiding around the camp site. When found, a letter was given to them and the first group to match up the letters to make a word were our champions. It was funny to see the teachers actually hiding amongst the various groups of children, travelling with them unnoticed! Hut building was also great fun.

The children's behaviour throughout this camp was fantastic and they can all be very proud of the way they participated with enthusiasm and interest, displaying excellent manners and care for each other. Well done and thankyou everyone.

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